Win the Battle Against Asthma and Allergies

When spring arrives, it usually brings misery to and allergy sufferers around the country. Asthma and seasonal allergies are among the most irritating conditions that millions of people deal with regularly. Whether it鈥檚 watery eyes and runny nose brought on by hay fever or shortness of breath and chest pain of an asthma attack, these and other symptoms send people to their pharmacy or doctor in droves.

While there are many ways to treat symptoms when they occur, you can take preventive steps to reduce the likelihood of an attack if you have asthma and to minimize the aggravation of allergic reactions.

Asthma Prevention

  1. Identify your triggers

    Asthma attacks don鈥檛 happen randomly. There are a number of conditions and substances that can set off common symptoms like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and others. These include:

    • Air pollution
    • Cold or flu virus
    • Fragrances
    • Pollen
    • Mites
    • Animal dander
    • Chemical fumes
    • Strenuous exercise

    If you have asthma, it is important to know exactly what your personal triggers are so that you can avoid situations that put you at risk.

    COVID-19 Advisory: If you have COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, or diarrhea, please call the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at 1-800-232-4636 for further guidance.

  2. Avoid smoke of any kind

    Virtually any type of smoke鈥攚hether from tobacco, fires, or even candles鈥攊s virtually guaranteed to make asthma worse. As a result, smokers often have a high risk of developing asthma as cigarette smoke irritates the airways. In addition, individuals whose mothers smoked or were exposed to secondhand smoke frequently during pregnancy are also at risk of developing asthma. As a general rule, stay away from any public places that permit smoking, and make your home and car a smoke-free zone.

  3. Get your vaccinations

    At minimum, get a flu shot every year for protection against the flu virus, which can worsen and prolong asthma as well as make you more susceptible to pneumonia. In fact, it is recommended that adults over the age of 19 who have asthma should get a pneumonia shot every 5 to 10 years as a precaution.

  4. Address obesity

    While researchers are not completely sure of an underlying cause, there is evidence that may have links to asthma, possibly due to increased inflammation in the body and airways. Losing weight not only helps reduce the risk of asthma but it obviously has many other health and wellness benefits.

  5. Know your family history

    Research suggests that people with a family history of asthma are likely to inherit the condition. If others in your family have asthma, and you begin to exhibit asthma-like symptoms yourself, you should explore a management and treatment plan with your doctor soon.

  6. Establish a healthy diet

    There is evidence that consuming large amounts of processed foods may be connected to a higher risk of asthma. While no single food item can improve asthma symptoms on its own, eating well-rounded meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can and reduce the risk of asthma symptoms. Vegetables rich in beta-carotene (such as leafy greens and carrots) and foods full of magnesium (like spinach, avocados, nuts, and dark chocolate) are also recommended for asthma sufferers.

  7. Consider your environment

    If you have asthma, or at home can cause asthma symptoms. And, for some people, exposure to certain types of dust (industrial or wood dust), chemical fumes and vapors, and molds can lead to developing asthma for the first time.

Seasonal Allergy Prevention

  1. Keep the windows closed

    While most communities are adhering to shelter-in-place mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic and minimizing exposure to the outdoors, it鈥檚 tempting to open windows around the house or in the car when the weather is pleasant. However, breezes can bring in pollen and other allergens that can trigger allergic reactions. Keep windows shut and use a in your home to trap allergen-causing particles. In the car, use air conditioning and set the fan to recirculate inside air.

  2. Take precautions with your eyes

    Pollen frequently uses your eyes as its doorway to your body. When outside, wear sunglasses and/or a wide-brimmed hat to block pollen from your face. It鈥檚 also helpful to have eye drops with antihistamine on hand when you鈥檙e out and about.

  3. Shake it off before entering your home

    Allergy-causing particles can hitch a ride on your clothes, shoes, and hair into your home. Before stepping inside, lightly brush off your clothes and shoes, and shake your head to help release any particles. In addition, during allergy season, avoid hanging your laundry on an outdoor clothesline.

  4. Drink more fluids

    If you feel stuffy from allergies, drink more water, juice, or other nonalcoholic drinks. Extra liquid can help thin out the mucus in your nasal packages. Teas, broths, and soup can also help if the weather is cooler.

  5. Stay indoors in the morning

    Pollen counts tend to be higher early in the morning so, if possible, wait until midday or afternoon to venture outside for neighborhood walks. During this time when COVID-19 risk is especially high, be sure to maintain a safe distance (at least 6 ft. or more) from others and to wear a mask when outdoors.

  6. Clean your sinuses

    You can flush allergens out of your nasal passages with a or saline irrigation solution, both of which should be available at your nearest pharmacy. While this may take a few minutes, it鈥檚 a highly effective way to relieve congestion and improve breathing.

To win the war against asthma and allergies, schedule a visit with your physician, who can help identify your sensitivities or .

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