SHWC Events

Below is a list of our upcoming events.  Please check back for additions and updates throughout the year.

Recurring Events

  • Wellness Wednesdays
    Twice per month SHWC organizes Wellness Wednesdays where students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of workshops (e.g. nutrition, healthy relationships, time management, etc.) along with their peers and hold a dialogue. Different screenings will also be available occasionally such as HIV/STI, glucose, and chronic disease identification. Please be on the lookout via email and campus communication regarding details for the next Wellness Wednesday.
  • Mid August: Annual SHWC Open House
    Location: AUCC SHWC Clinic

  • Mid August: Annual AUCC Health Fair
    Location: In front of Robert W. Woodruff Library

Special Events

  • Annual Back to School Open House
    August 10th, 2023 - 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

  • Annual Back to School Health Fair
    August 29th, 2023 - 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to our Wellness Coordinator:

Fredrick Clark
Wellness Coordinator
Phone: (404)756-5779