Faculty Training & General Resources

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    General Resources
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    Outside Study Resources

    Outside Coaching Resources
  • AI Sites
  • Grants

    • (check to see if there is a state level AHEAD affiliate for your state)
    • US Department of Education Grants:
      • Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Provides grants to improve access and outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
    • National Endowment for the Arts (NEA):
      • Challenge America Grants: Focus on projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations, including those with disabilities.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF):
      • Research in Disabilities Education (RDE): Supports projects to enhance the participation and success of students with disabilities in STEM education.
    • The Kresge Foundation:
      • Education Program: Supports efforts to improve postsecondary education for underrepresented groups, including students with disabilities.
    • The Hearst Foundations:
      • Education Grants: Focus on higher education and support for underserved students, including those with disabilities.
    • The Ford Foundation:
      • Disability Rights: Funds initiatives that promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities.
    • Walmart Foundation:
      • Community Grant Program: Provides funding for projects that enhance the quality of life and well-being of underserved populations, including those with disabilities.
    • The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation:
      • Quality of Life Grants: Support projects that improve the daily lives of people living with disabilities.
    • AT&T Foundation:
      • Education Grants: Focus on increasing accessibility and success for students with disabilities in education.
    • Google.org:
      • Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities: Funds organizations that use technology to increase the independence of people with disabilities.
    • HBCU Accessibility and Disability Grants
      • US Department of Education:
        • Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP): Provides funds to improve science and engineering education for minorities, including students with disabilities.
        • Title III, Part B - Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Offers grants to enhance the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of HBCUs, which can include accessibility initiatives.
      • National Science Foundation (NSF):
        • Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP): Supports projects to enhance STEM education, which can include accommodations and support for students with disabilities.
      • The HBCU National Resource Center:
        • Capacity Building Grants: Provides funding to enhance the institutional capacity of HBCUs, including initiatives to support students with disabilities.
      • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation:
        • Higher Learning Program: Supports initiatives that promote inclusive learning environments in higher education institutions, including HBCUs.
      • The United Negro College Fund (UNCF):
        • Special Programs: Offers various funding opportunities for HBCUs to support academic programs and student services, which can include accessibility and disability support.
      • Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF):
        • Program Grants: Provides funding to member HBCUs for various initiatives, including those that enhance accessibility and support for students with disabilities.
      • The HBCU Center for Excellence in Behavioral Health:
        • Grant Programs: Provides funding to support mental health and disability services at HBCUs.
  • Additional Resources
  • University Website for Reference